Introducing Community Micro.Grants

In our first (of what we hope will be many) round of Community Micro.Grants, RADAR will be funding and supporting member ideas that accelerate better futures. For this first round of $500 and $1,000 micro.grants, we’re focused on ideas that spread belief and build meaning in our flagship statement: the future belongs to those who think about it.

We hope this becomes yet another tool in the RADAR toolbox to activate collective impact, strategically supporting the efforts of individual members and mobilising multiplayer support so that we can amplify and extend the difference we’re able to make in service of better futures.

To spark ideation, we've suggested 3 prompt areas:

  1. We believe the future belongs to those who think about it, and we’ve created a home for people to do it inside of RADAR…so how can we bring more people to the community and the work that we do in meaningful, invested ways?
  2. We know full well that much of that ‘thinking about the future’ still happens in the same spaces, with the same people, within the same confines… how might we challenge and expand the current thinking of the futures industry with the spirit of RADAR?
  3. We’ve already done a lot of our own ‘thinking about the future’ — but admittedly, we need to do a better job of getting these visions in front of more people who can engage with and learn from them. How might we share our visions of better futures (e.g., Sync, Play, Centaur, Campfire topics) even further?

While you don’t have to stick to these prompts, we hope they get your gears turning.

At the heart of it, we’re looking for ideas that answer two important questions: Does this proposal inspire, engage and empower more people in thinking about the future? Does this proposal enable RADAR and the community to better serve and spread its values, vision, and mission of accelerating better futures?

We're excited for what we can dream together — big and small, and as always, the weirder the better.

If you’re interested in submitting a proposal, you’ll find all the key docs here and a space for Q&A in the Discord.

Not a member yet, but have a vision for making a better future? Apply here and submit your grant proposal by the 19th June. Oh, and members who haven’t been around in some time, you might just have to re-onboard. DM Fancy or Keels if you’re locked out of the server!

Here’s to better futures!

See you in the RADARverse.

The Future
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